Allergic and immune diseases are among the most common medical conditions worldwide, as many people suffer from allergies to certain substances or disorders in the immune system.
How does nursing contribute to the care of diabetic patients on World Diabetes Day 2024?
internal medicine, also known as general medicine, deals with preventing, diagnosing, and treating a broad spectrum of illnesses that affect adults.
The stomach can be exposed to a group of diseases that affect its performance and cause many disturbing symptoms. In this article, we will review the most common stomach diseases, their causes, and the best ways to treat and prevent them.
حساسية الصدر، أو الربو التحسسي، هي حالة تنفسية مزمنة تؤثر على ملايين الأشخاص حول العالم
ظهر جدري القرود مؤخرًا في أغسطس الحالي في أربعة دول إفريقية لم يسبق ظهوره بها من قبل، كما تم تسجيل حالة وحيدة في السويد.
التهاب المعدة هو التهاب يصيب بطانة المعدة؛ قد يحدث بصورة مفاجئة وحادة فيُسمى "التهاب المعدة الحاد"
سنتناول في هذا المقال أهم مسببات هذه الحساسية وأعراضها وكيفية التعامل معها لضمان صيف مريح وصحي.
Learn about chest diseases that require going to a consultant's chest and respiratory doctor in the Otlob Tabib’s blog for respiratory diseases.
Learn about internal diseases with information from symptoms to diagnosis and treatment alternatives with Otlob Tabib.
Learn more about kidney diseases that threaten your general health, their associated symptoms, as well as methods of diagnosis and treatment with kidney health articles.
Otlob Tabib is providing you with medical information and specialist doctors and consultants in the common field of male and female infertility
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