
Your Brain: The Human-Computer, Amazing Facts

Your Brain: The Human-Computer, Amazing Facts

The brain is one of the most complicated organs in your body. This member, located between your ears and your skull, is a giant computer, and you can not underestimate it. Learn about the many strange and amazing facts about your brain; understand how it works and how to keep it.


At first, your brain accounts for about 2% of your body weight, but alone uses 20% of the total energy and oxygen in your body. It also has 37% of its composition of water and 60% of fat.

And for the importance of the brain, half of your genes describe only the complex design of the mind, and our current brains are 10% smaller than those of our ancestors 20,000 years ago.

It is strange that your brain has no pain receptors, and scientifically your brain does not feel any pain. This explains how surgery can be performed in the brain while the patient is awake without feeling discomfort.

The strength of this complex organ, that it is possible to remove half of the brain by surgery without an effect on personality or memory.

One amazing fact about the brain is that when you learn something new, the structure of your brain is reshaped, and the brain continues to develop until forty’s.

Your brain: The giant computer!

 Studies have shown that the brain is composed of 68 billion multi-species cells, which can be up to 10,000 or more, and just a piece of brain tissue the size of a grain of sand contains 100,000 neurons and about one billion nerve points.

With all these nerve cells and connections, your brain moves and transmits information at 268 mph, faster than the Formula 1 race, which does not exceed 240 mph. So that in 2015 the supercomputer took 40 minutes to simulate one second of human brain activity.

Your brain has unlimited storage capacity, as your brain has enough memory for the flow of stored information to be equivalent to three million hours of TV broadcasting. Your brain also produces enough electricity to light a small light bulb. Your brain counts 50,000 ideas a day.

Why brains forget?

 You may wonder why you might forget some things, especially painful ones. If your brain has this ability, you should now be convinced that forgetfulness is useful. The brain deleting unnecessary information and bad memories which helps the nervous system retain its vitality.

How do you keep your brain?

Although 37% of brain formation is water, it is impossible to let your brain get dry, as only 2% of your brain's drain can severely affect your memory and skills. If your body is exposed to about 90 minutes of sweating without compensation, this can cut your brain by one year to aging.

With a simple formula to make your brain work well, you have to maintain cholesterol, as 25% of cholesterol is inside the brain and brain cells get benefits from it. Without enough cholesterol, brain cells die. As oxygen is important, only five minutes without oxygen can cause brain damage.

 To keep your brain healthy and active, you have to sleep enough, meditation, nature, walking and seeing what causes you a comfortable and positive psychological effect, increasing the productivity of mental intervals, stabilizing memories and stimulating the brain to creativity.

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